Monday- I got my "pre-trunk's" in the mail! Crazzzzy. That's a bright yellow paper that you fill out, and submit to the mission office, so that they can get your flight information. It was...surreal. Just weird.Our zone had a barbecue as well! That was really fun to be a part of. We played volleyball and kickball. Good times.
Wednesday- Oh, Garden Valley. We're still working on finding people to teach there as well.We also met a woman named Brandi that was a former investigator. She invited us to come back and teach her. So hopefully that will start soon!
Thursday- We spent Thursday in Sweet. We were set to have a lesson with a new investigator, Chris, but when we got to his house he wasn't home... and wouldn't be home until the next day. We were pretty upset about that. But then we decided to go and visit another investigator, Tristan. We taught him about the Restoration- and he asked a TON of questions. Questions about the priesthood, temples, prayer, who God is, etc. He was so genuine in his asking. We're still waiting for him to really get on his knees and pray to know if everything is true. And he knows that he needs to as well.
Friday- Craziest day of my mission. Life or death. Ha! I'm totally kidding. It wasn't that bad. But kinda. ;) We had our district meeting that morning, and then we all got together for a district service project. We were helping a man named Tracy to load drift wood into the back of his truck- to which he led us to the top of a HUGE hill to do so. It had been raining the entire day, and the ground was insanely muddy. Tracy pointed us in the direction to drive down the mountain, so all three of our jeeps started in a line. But as we traveled, we found that this was going to be more treacherous than we thought. We were on a narrow road: a cliff on one side and a river on the other. So there wasn't much wiggle room. As we drove, the jeeps began to slide from side to side- almost going into the river! We jumped out of the cars and started to push them back onto the road. We stopped the cars and everyone got out to assess the situation. The mud was literally up to our ankles. We spent a good 20-30 minutes discussing the pro's and con's of turning around and going down the huge hill that we had climbed, going forward towards an unknown path, calling someone, just doing it ourselves, etc. After saying a prayer and asking for protection, we continuedslowly forward.... It took us about an hour to get out of the mud. It was insane. And our cars were trashed after that... but nothing bad happened. What a miracle. And I caught the whole experience on camera. ;) So, it wasn't that bad. Ha!
Saturday and Sunday- We spent our time in Emmett. April and Tom are still working on preparing for baptism. They'll get there soon! They're working on quitting smoking- they've come a long way! Now it's just the waiting game, trying to be patient. Shawn and Casey are another couple that we're working with. They've been taking the lessons and they're progressing well. They're in the process of getting married and praying to receive that witness that everything is true. Hopefully they can recognize their answers soon. We've really been praying for them. We're trying to find new investigators there in Butte as well. We're doing a lot of work.
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