Sunday, February 22, 2015

Fast Week. Letter from Feb. 16, 2015

Just a random thought: I think if I just fast for 40 days and 40 nights that I might actually feel decent. I'm so tired of eating food- just sayin'. Haha.

This week seriously flew by. We were just busy, busy, busy. "Don't take your foot off the gas!"

VODA & DUSTIN. We FINALLY met Dustin! We had a lesson with him and Voda (AND their friend, Lilly!). We had a little testimony meeting where Dustin and Voda could share their experiences with the gospel so far.

LILLY. Lilly came to church with Voda a couple of weeks ago. She's seen the changes that Dustin and Voda have made in their lives and she wants that for herself as well. It's been amazing to see our investigators do missionary work!

BILLY. He's doing well. Still coming along. He had a drink of coffee this week though. (I hate those fancy coffee drinks!) :( So we're starting the clock over- 2 more weeks. If he can do good for that long, he'll be set for his baptism on the 28th of February. We're really praying that he can have the strength to do it!

GEORGE. George came to church!!! HE CAME! HE CAME! And he had a wonderful time! He said that he'd definitely come back again! I was so relieved to hear that. We knew that him attending church was going to be a "make it or break it" moment for him- I'm so happy that it "made it" for him. :) I always take for granted the spirit that's in our sacrament meetings... (especially because, as a missionary, you get so into noticing every little thing that the members are doing wrong during the meeting- loud children, talkative parents, inappropriately kissy young couples, etc) But he was really touched by the spirit as we took the sacrament and sang the songs- and he LOVED that the kids were there in the service with their families. He said he'd come again!

SHEILA. She's been really hard to keep up with. She's always going out of town and being really flaky with our appointments. The only times that we can catch her are when we drive up and see her outside smoking. (Gotta love that smell. Anywaysss..) In a previous discussion with her, she talked about how she's been living with her boyfriend for the last 17 years and she didn't ever plan on getting married (because the first one didn't end up too great). And she also told us about how she wasn't planning on quitting smoking- it was too hard and she didn't really want to. WELL. We show up yesterday night andddd..... *drumroll!* SHE'S ENGAGED AND SHE'S TAKING SOME MEDICATIONS IN ORDER TO QUIT SMOKING!!! YAY!!! Gotta love it.

We finished our bulletin board in the church building! It looks awesome. Super proud of it. I mean, for a couple of missionaries who have ZERO time- it's pretty legit.

FAMILY PICTURE DAY. We spent a lot of time this week putting up fliers for our Family Picture Day that's going to be going on the first Saturday in March. We spent an entire day going to businesses and inviting people. So we're hoping that we get a good turn out. We only have one photographer though, so we're still praying that we find another one. PRAYING.

CONSIDER THE LILIES. I sang in the La Grande 3rd Ward on Sunday- it turned out really well. I miss performing. But, more than performing, I love bringing the spirit through music. It's the best feeling ever.

Sister Gubler

P.S. Thank you, Mom, for the Valetine's Day package! Enjoy the picture of the man in a hot dog suit. Haha

Chillin' out with Layne!

Getting ready for service!!!

Apparently walkers are considered as vehicles in nursing homes. haha!

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