Sunday, February 22, 2015

Snow Storm. January 5, 2015 letter

The work this week has been amazing. We've been focusing a lot on finding and really trying our hardest to follow Preach My Gospel exactly. If there's one major thing that my companion has taught me it's that Preach My Gospel sounds so unnatural but it's SUPER effective! We've been practicing a ton of new door approaches and doing a lot of tracting. We've also been able to get a TON of referrals from members, and then we'll stay busy the entire day just from trying to contact all of them. It's been a faith booster for me to really take Alma's promise and "experiment upon the word" and exercise the faith that I already have.

We finally had our first lesson with Voda- lives in Elgin. She was a referral from her son, Dustin, who is in prison. He's taken advantage of the time he has to attend church while there and he wants to be baptized! So he referred his mom to us, and she has just welcomed the gospel into her life! Since we aren't able to get up to Elgin very much (it's so far away and the snow makes it terrible) the Perren's (ward missionaries) took the assignment to go knock on her door and invite her to church with them. And she accepted! She's attended church for the last two weeks! She's made so many new friends and has been listening closely to the lessons and the testimonies that have been shared. We haven't even had to do anything and she already wants to be baptized. (I LOVE when the member's get involved!) We had our first lesson with her after church yesterday. She talked a lot about how the gospel has been answering questions for her that she didn't even know that she had, that she's open to whatever God has to tell her, and she has an open heart <---all her words! She told us about how, when she walks into church, she feels like she's come home! Oh my goodness. Meeting with her has strengthened my testimony that the Lord is really preparing people for the gospel. She expressed how she's amazed how the Lord has worked in her life- it took her son going to prison for the two of them to realize just how much they need God in their lives. We taught her The Restoration and set another appointment for Wednesday morning in Sister Perren's home. :) 

We had our first lesson with George as well! I don't know if I've mentioned him before. He lives next to a part-member family, and we tracted into him. After bringing him cookies several times, sharing scriptures with him, inviting him to activities- he finally decided that he'd like to take the lessons! :) His mom was actually LDS, but married a non-member that didn't want her talking about the gospel. So he never learned anything about the church. He's had 2 brothers pass away, and his main question to us was why God allowed suffering. He asked us a TON of questions while we were there- it was an amazing spiritual experience as he listened, not just to us, but to the spirit! We left him with a Plan of Salvation pamphlet and a Book of Mormon and encouraged him to read 2 Nephi 2. 

Along with all of the exciting things that have happened this week, there has to be some tough challenges, right?! haha! How are we supposed to grow without tribulation? We lost our phone. For those that have served missions, your phone is one of the most important tools you use! Sister Broadhead had it in her pocket... or something... But we got home from Elgin and it was gone. So, after I was done panicking, we set off to Elgin to look for it. (FYI, there was a crazy snow storm going on. The road was impossible to see.) We walked all around Elgin, in a snow storm, looking for the phone... but even if we did drop it, it would have been covered by 6 inches of snow by that point in time. We tried calling our phone, but it was off. Sooo... Yeah. We're without a phone now- yippee. 

Oh, and it's my 11 month mark today. Yay! :)

Sister Gubler

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