Sunday, February 22, 2015

ONE YEAR! Letter from February 9, 2015

Well, it's official. I've hit my year mark! And I still feel like I'm a greenie. I don't think that these feelings of inadequacy will ever go away. But, hey, I guess they keep one humble.
I celebrated with a piece of apple pie. Yum.

By the way, I got a terrible haircut on Monday- don't ask. DON'T. ASK. I'm so mad about it. hair grows.... hair grows...

BILLY. Billy is still set to be baptized! We had planned on it being on February 28th, but now that Elder Perry is going to be here that day, we're planning on pushing it forward to the 21st. I'm praying that this goes through. He just completely quit coffee, comes to church every Sunday, reads his scriptures, says his prayers... It's crazy to think that he wasn't progressing at all when the other missionaries taught him one year ago, and when we first started teaching him he didn't even know who Heavenly Father was! And now he has the desire and the faith to be baptized. His story is amazing.

VODA. Her son, Dustin, gets out of prison TODAY! We are so excited to meet him! We learned that his probation is 90 days- MUCH shorter than what we were thinking that it would be. So the goal of Voda and Dustin being baptized together is definitely within reach! We have been chatting with the high councilman over the prison- and he has informed us of the great progress that Dustin has made in the gospel. Dustin has been described as "golden"! I am so excited to see this mother and son reunite and start anew. :) Our first lesson with them is scheduled for Wednesday.

Sisters in the gospel serving together!

TIFFANY. One of our new investigators. We taught her the restoration this week and... it was rough. Our teaching wasn't rough- honestly, I wouldn't have changed a thing. But when we were talking with her about the priesthood authority and how it's necessary for baptism, she was emotional. She felt like everything that she had been taught in the past was a lie. We tried to sooth her by explaining that we aren't here to rip away everything she knows to be true (because she does know a LOT of truths) but that we're here to ADD to those truths- fill in the gaps. She just told us that she'd have to pray about what we taught and then rely on faith, and that we'd have another lesson in 2 weeks (because she's going out of town). Oh man, never before have I come out of a lesson wanting to just hug someone and tell them that everything is going to be okay. But Tiffany is so sincere and really looking for the truth. I know that she'll find her answer.

SHEILA. We FINALLY caught her at home and scheduled a lesson for TODAY. (Yeah, I know it's p-day, but I'll take what I can get.) She promised to read the introduction page to The Book of Mormon before we come back, so I'm hoping that she's done that. She's kind of hard to teach... she's one of those people that is just so... random. Haha! But I'm sure that we'll be able to have a good discussion with her.

MISTY. Update on Misty. She's doing awesome. She still has 100% attendance at church so far this year! Totally rocking it. We sat with her at church on Sunday. We're trying to get her and her 3 kids to sit closer to the front of the chapel- helping them to get more and more reverent. (Taking care of kids is sooo hard to do during sacrament meeting... I'm not ready to be a mother. haha!) But Misty is making great leaps toward full repentance! I'm so proud of her.

SEANNA. Less active. We were visiting her for the second time since being here and she was a completely different person than the first time... It was night and day! She was WAY happier! But, long story short, after some discussion with us she said, "Please come and help me. I want to come back. Will you visit me once a week and help me?" WOW! YES, WE WILL!

BILLY(2). Different Billy! haha! He's 14 and has been inactive his entire life. But he has a lot of friends in the ward, so we've started teaching him the missionary lessons. We asked 2 of the teachers in the ward (a week in advance) to look at Preach My Gospel and teach about Joseph Smith- and oh boy... funny! haha! They literally told Billy EVERYTHING they know about Joseph Smith's life... everythinggggg. hahahaha It was a long lesson. ;)

We had exchanges this week! Sister Miller came up from Parma- comps reunited once again! It was awesome to see her and work with her for a day. :)

We had a new record week! 19 lessons! WHOOHOO!

A photo of my desk.

Sister Gubler

P.S. I was asked to sing a duet for Elder L. Tom Perry when he comes on February 28th. YAY!

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