Sunday, February 22, 2015

Quick Week. Letter from January 12, 2015

We taught Voda lesson 2: The Plan of Salvation. Voda is making HUGE progress in the gospel. She's really understanding everything that's being taught in church and in our lessons. As we were teaching her about the spirit world (talking about spirit paradise and spirit prison) she really embraced everything about it. Since her son, Dustin, is in prison she really understood how spirit prison wasn't a dark and dreary place- but that it was a place of change and learning! She's come to church 3 times in a row now. She's praying on her own and reading her scriptures every day. She told us about how she quit smoking a few days after meeting us because she thought: If I want to be more like Christ... Jesus wouldn't be out here smoking! Haha! So true. She's making changes in her life- truly repenting.

George... How I love George!! We had an AMAZING lesson with him this week. In our previous lesson, we assigned him 2 Nephi 2 to read before we came back over. When we went over last night, he told us about how he had started to read it but he can't read very well (so he didn't comprehend anything he was reading). He told us that he's never even read a book before in his life. We promised him that if he prayed before he read the scriptures, that Heavenly Father would help him understand the things that he read. We offered to read the chapter to him, and he accepted. So we prayed together, and then read 2 Nephi 2 (stopping every 3 verses to explain what had happened)... he was so excited about everything that we talked about! At one point in the lesson, he read one of the verses and explained it- so happy that he could understand what he read! It was a fabulous experience- definitely our own little miracle. He committed to praying and then reading the scriptures before we came over next time. 

We've been contacting a TON of referrals and potential investigators this week! It's been AMAZING! We never run out of things to do! (May I just say, that's the best feeling ever.) But we've also run into a couple really rude guys.... And I was going to tell you about them, but never mind. haha It'll make a good story for when I get home. ;)

We're hosting a community activity at the end of February- Family Picture Day! I'm really pumped for this- it's going to turn out great. We're inviting the entire community to come to the church building to get their family picture taken and then we (the missionaries in the area) will go and deliver their framed picture along with a copy of The Family Proclamation. We're getting the entire La Grande area involved in this. There's already been a few people volunteer to take pictures, get backdrops, donate props, etc. It'll turn out great! 

We've been getting a lot of speaking assignments lately. I was asked to speak at the baptism of an 8 year old in the ward (both of his parents are converts and have a good relationship with missionaries). My companion spoke in church on Sunday, and it's my turn next Sunday. I'll be speaking on charity- and as I've been studying the topic, I've been learning so much! I'll write more about it next week.

Sister Miller, one of our ward missionaries, came out with us this past week. We've been starting to do things a little differently with our ward missionaries. In the past, they've really just gone and seen a couple semi-less active people in the ward and then called it quits for the night. Sister Broadhead and I decided that we'd try and help them (the ward missionaries) understand what it is that we do each day by taking them out TRACTING. Yes, tracting. Haha! We're so mean. But we've been taking them to their neighbors homes and having them introduce themselves (and us) and offer that we teach them and/or offer service. We've had a few people just completely hate us over that (mind you, they're the members that always tell us that we're not doing enough haha) but Sister Miller just EMBRACED the entire experience! She was nervous at first, but after 2 doors she just said, "What the heck?! What's the harm in just inviting them to learn more?!" HAHA! Exactly! We talked with her about how, if her neighbors are ever interested in the future, they'll know who they can go to to get in touch with the missionaries. She loved the entire experience.

Let me tell you about Misty. I love Misty. She's great. She's had a lot of bad things happen to her throughout her life- some because of her choices, some because of others choices. Unfortunately, some members of the ward have completely given up on her. They don't believe that she can come back or that she can progress. And she's completely aware that they feel that way. How sad! She's made goals for herself- including getting her patriarchal blessing and going to the temple by the end of the year. No matter how rude people are to her, it doesn't get her down. She's so positive and determined to move forward with her life! She deserves a clean slate- and it's too bad that she isn't receiving one from the people around her. As we visit with her twice a week, we have family home evening with her and her 3 kids and then we have a scripture study with her the other day. We assigned her to read Alma 5 before our visit- and she went above and beyond! She wrote down every. single. question. and answered each one as it pertained to her. THAT'S 41 QUESTIONS! DANG! She's just awesome, and she's making so much progress.

One awkward moment from this week:

#1. I see a familiar face at church on Sunday and, out of instinct, I just start talking to this random stranger without delay: "HI! I know you! You're Sarah's lawyer! I saw your picture on her fridge!" *he gives me a blank, scared stare* Obviously, it's illegal for him to tell me that information... awkward... So he just said, "Well... Uhhhh... You caught me. I don't know how else to answer that. Who are you?" I immediately start apologizing to this random stranger for yelling that across the foyer. I felt like an idiot.

Sister Gubler

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