Sunday, March 29, 2015

Miracle Week Letter from March 23, 2015

Our Sisters Conference theme was "The road to success is always under construction". Sooo we were told to dress up in construction colors.... obviously S. Pritchard is awesome and I'm lame. hahaha But, hey, construction workers wear jeans, right?!

Sister Broadhead and I:

Sister Clark and I:
Sister Miller and I:

S. Keyser and Pres. Cannon

I just want to start by apologizing for how terrible I've been at writing my weekly emails... After a while, I just don't know what people want to hear about! If you have any questions, let me know. It'll prompt me to know what to write about.

We found 6 new investigators this week (in Elgin!) and had a record of 23 lessons! YES!

Here are our new investigators! (Written by Sister Broadhead... partly cause she'd already done it and I'm lazy and partly because I never know what to say)

Jody (14) - Jody is Billy's brother. He was taught years ago, but didn't go anywhere with it. We started teaching him again and Billy is doing a good job in helping us teach. Jody is really understanding what we are teaching. 

Damon (12) - Damon is Jody's friend. He's been coming to scouts and to church for who knows how long, and we just recently ran into him outside the church. He said he wanted to be baptized, and we started teaching him and Jody together. Damon is having difficulty understanding what we teach, and we're not sure yet how to help him. He's also stuck on the things he's learned at the Baptist church and seems very passive about it all, rather than actively looking for truth. 

Paige (11) - Paige doesn't have any family who are members of the church, but she lives part-time with a less-active family in the ward. We got word through the Elgin grapevine that she wanted to be baptized, and we've started teaching her. She is very attentive, and reads the assignments we give her. She has a super honest, sincere desire to find out if the Book of Mormon is true. It's a struggle getting her to church, because on Sundays she is with the less-active family, and they say they'll come and bring her, but things get in the way of church very easily for them. We hate to express a lack of confidence in them, but we're in the process of setting up alternate ways for Paige to get to church, because it's more important than they seem to realize.

Derek ​& Stephanie (20s) - ​​Derek and Stephanie are a cohabiting couple who took the missionary discussions a few years ago but were told they could not be baptized unless they first were married, and they expressed that that didn't make sense to them. We had a lesson with them last night and we asked them how they felt about the Book of Mormon, and they both said they believed it to be true. We asked if they knew why they needed to be married in order to be​ baptized, and they said they did not know, and accepted our offer to explain it to them. So we started with a prayer and we had a great lesson about the law of chastity and about God's plan for the family. They lost a baby a couple years ago, and we promised them that if they chose to live the law of chastity and were baptized, they could later be sealed in the temple to each other and to their children, and that they would have that baby in their family for eternity. Their hearts were soft and they committed to be married so they could work toward a temple marriage. We invited them to prayerfully choose a date and they agreed. It was a great lesson.​

Savannah (20s) - Was there the first time we met Stephanie this week, and we shared a short message and asked if we could come back on Sunday and begin the lessons, and they both agreed. ​When we came on Sunday, Savannah wasn't there, but Derek was! 

Sister Gubler

Voda got baptized! Letter from March 16, 2015

I SO appreciate the letters that the boys wrote to me! My mailbox has been collecting spider webs (literally)... By the time I go home I probably won't be receiving any mail! haha! 

Voda got baptized this weekend! I could end my mission today and be totally satisfied! The Lord wasn't lying when he said "Wherefore, you are called to cry repentance unto this people. And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!" (D&C 18:14-15). It was a wonderful experience. Not too many people came... but all 3 of her (non-member) daughters were there to support her. She was so touched by her baptism- as well as the confirmation. It was touching to see her stand up after the confirmation and have to wipe her tears off with her scarf. My (missionary) life was then complete in that moment. Voda will one day be a YW president! A Relief Society president! She'll work with the primary! She'll impact everyone around her! I still can't believe that I've been assisting in teaching her since day 1... inviting her to take the discussions, inviting her to church, inviting her to baptism, inviting her to live the word of wisdom... Her growth in the gospel has been extraordinary! I hope to continue to find those who are prepared for the gospel- as Voda was. :)

Not much else happened this week... well, nothing that's as amazing as Voda's baptism!

Taking pictures while filling the fonttttt.... Is that allowed? hahahaha

Billy is still going strong now that he's been baptized for 2 weeks! :) What a great guy!

Oh... and we found a new investigator named Brooke... She told us about how there's an evil spirit in her neighbors house (Jerry- another new investigator, by the way) but that we shouldn't worry because she already smudged every corner of the house and talked to the spirit using her pendulum. Yeah. We have a lesson with her tonight, so it should be interesting. ;)

We're in the process of trying to find new investigators. So pray with us that we'll find those people who are ready to hear the gospel and ACT on the message that they receive!

As Preach My Gospel says... Nothing happens in missionary work until you find someone to teach.
This is as city as our mission gets. Right here. Sitting in the town square. haha!

Misty was SUPER nice and bought me a wallet with a KOALA on it!!!!

Sister Broadhead and I getting ready for a day of work! 

Sister Gubler

Family Picture Day, Letter from March 9, 2015

Billy got confirmed in church on Sunday!
Voda is planning on being baptized on Saturday! She's planned out the whole program already!
The work here is great! Sorry... I ran out of time to send a weekly email... :/ I wrote too much to Mom. Haha! But my companion and I are getting along awesomely. It's been the best week ever!

13 months!

 Doing service!

We tried to do an awesome activity- a free family picture day. We had professional photographers and refreshments and everything... and we advertised like crazy. But it was a flop. Only 9 families came.

But- it was successful because a TON of people were invited to attend! And the ward members were super excited and actively involved in inviting people!

Pictures from our Family Picture Day a couple of weeks ago :) This is our ENTIRE district... yeah... The smallest in the mission! But they're cool Elders- so it's okay :)

-Sister Gubler

WOOT! WOOT! WOOT! Letter from March 2, 2015

What a crazy awesome week! I can't even begin to explain how amazing this week was!

Sister Broadhead and I are both staying in La Grande for another transfer. We're both pretty excited about it. There's a lot of things happening. In Sister Broadhead's words: "Okay. Since we're both staying for a 3rd transfer together, we're going to be best friends now. So I'm going to tell you all my life stories." HAHAHAHAHA! And she proceeded to tell me... ALL her life stories.

I got to sing for L. Tom Perry! (And it went awesome!)
    We were able to shake Elder Perry's hand, Elder Brent Nielsen's hand, and HUG Sister Marriott. It was epic. And I got there early enough that I was able to sit in the FRONT ROW of the chapel. You know what that means, Elder Perry made eye contact with me and looked deep into my soul. Elder Perry talked a lot about companions- how we need to love them and keep in contact for the rest of our lives. Sister Marriott shared her conversion story- which was awesome. And Elder Nielsen talked about how we need to ACT and not be acted upon- how we need to invite our investigators to do SOMETHING. After the conference, Elder Perry came down the stairs and thanked Sister Lyman and I for our musical number, told us that it was fabulous, and encouraged us to sing on street corners in order to find new investigators. Haha! Elder Perry is a funny man. :)

Billy got baptized!
    We had to drive back from Nampa (which is about 3 hours) so by the time we made it to the church building it was 7:25pm (and the baptism was going to start at 7:30). Yeah. I was a little stressed out. Haha! And as we were walking in, it dawned on me that we hadn't chosen anyone to play the piano.... Dang it. So I playedddd the pianooooo.... Hahahaha. I was terrified. MORTIFIED. But it went well. Everyone sang loud enough that you could barely hear the piano anyways. Luckily "I Am A Child of God" and "I Know My Father Lives" aren't too difficult to sight read. Haha. The people of Elgin are so nice to me. Anyways- yeah, that happened. REID, CHASE, RYAN- PRACTICE YOUR PIANO! Billy was SO excited! He was beaming from ear to ear the entire night. As he was walking towards the font, he made sure to walk passed us and give us a big wave. (Cutest thing ever.) Stake Conference was this Sunday, so Billy has to wait until the 8th to be

Voda committed to being baptized on March 14th!
    We invited Voda to come to Billy's baptism, and she came! She really felt the spirit. After the baptism we went up to Voda and joked with her a bit, "Are you ready for your baptism next week?!" And she came back saying that she IS ready! She wants to be baptized on March 14th so that she can be confirmed on her birthday (March 15th). YAY! If you remember, she was going to wait for her son, Dustin (the one that just got out of prison)... but he's not really putting forth much effort right now and his probation is going to last another 18 months AT LEAST. So she said, "I'm ready! He's not! And I don't want to wait!" haha! So she's getting baptized soon!
    She even paid tithing on Sunday! We informed her that she didn't have to do that until she got baptized, but she told us, "But I have money! I just got paid! Might as well start now!" haha! And she told us that, after the baptism, she went home and threw out the rest of the coffee that she had. AWESOME. She's golden.

George told us how much he loves church!
    We've had three lessons with George this week. Mostly because the members have been setting them up- dinners, appointments, drop by's, etc. Haha. It's the funniest thing... But it's a little much. ;) Just being honest. They are SO EXCITED. Overly excited. And Sister Broadhead and I are just like, "CALM DOWN PEOPLE!" It's been rough. haha! This whole situation has me rolling on the floor laughing. Most of the time we have to beg the members to get involved... but, in this case, we're having a hard time asking them to back off a little bit. It's a weird thing for a missionary to do. haha! But George has a hard time around new people. So, when we have a lesson, we can't really ask him any personal questions because he just says, "I'll talk to you two about that later." and then we have to go to his house (just the two of us) and talk on his doorstep about his problems. Yeah. It's been tricky. I don't blame him. But we need to figure out a better way to do this.

Dave Stewart may have possibly gone to the temple already! (From Kuna)
     Just some information I hear at mission conference. Yeah. I got really excited. Haha!

I dressed as a flower for a lesson!

     We were teaching Bush about Alma 32- so I dressed up as a seed and then proceeded to bloom into a flower. Haha! Hopefully he never forgets that. ;)

And Little Caesar's is making a BACON WRAPPED PIZZA!
     Day made.

Best. Week. Ever.

Sister Gubler


Monday, March 2, 2015

Missionary High's and Low's

A poem.  Author unknown.

A mission is a strange experience
It is a trial and a test.
A mission throws at you the worst
Yet, teaches you the best.
I've never been so happy,
I've never been so depressed.
I've never felt so forsaken,
I've never felt so blessed.
I've never been so confused,
Things have never been so clear.
I've never felt my Heavenly Father so distant,
He's never been so near.
I've never been so discouraged,
I've never been so full of hope.
I feel I could go on for forever,
I think I've come to the end of my rope.
I've never had it quite so easy,
I've never had it quite so tough.
Things have never been so smooth,
Things have never been so rough.
I've never traveled through more valleys,
I've never ascended more peaks.
I've never met so many nice people.
I've never met so many freaks!
I've never had so many ups,
I've never had so many downs.
I've never worn so many smiles,
I've never had so many frowns.
I've never been so lonely,
I've never had so many friends.
BOY, I hope this is over soon,
GOSH, I hope this never ends.

I have a lot to learn. Letter from Feb. 23, 2015

Good week :) Today starts the last week of the transfer!

BILLY. His baptism is still set for Saturday. On Sunday he had his baptismal interview and he passed! :) He's such a cool kid. Next step is just to plan the program for his baptism. :)

VODA. Voda came to church on Sunday- without Dustin. Since Dustin has gotten out of prison, he hasn't been able to make it to church. :/ That's concerning to us... Seeing as that her whole interest in the church was sparked from Dustin... But she has persevered! She even bore her testimony in Elgin's Fast and Testimony Meeting yesterday. :D YAY! We're hoping that she will change her mind and get baptized now. She's SO ready.

GEORGE. George came to church AGAIN this week! HOORAY! George grew up here in La Grande and, as luck may have it, he knows a TON of people in the ward from when he was in high school!! So, with him coming to church, it's like a huge high school reunion. It's hilarious to watch. But he's loving listening to the hymns and the speakers as well. :) We have a lesson with him tonight!

TIFFANY. We had another lesson with Tiffany this week- after a 2 week break. We felt inspired to have a short lesson on faith- especially since we had an hour long lesson with her last time that was FILLED with all new information. Tiffany loved it! We read Alma 32 with her and discussed the importance on having patience as we grow our faith.

BUSH. He is a less-active teenager that's working on coming back. We've taught him lessons 1 and 2 throughout the last couple weeks. This week, we were going to teach him about The Gospel of Jesus Christ, but he didn't do the reading assignment that we had given him previously, so we read that with him. Then we gave him Alma 32 to read before our next lesson. And, silly me, I told him that I'd ACT OUT Alma 32 (including dressing up like a seed, flower, tree) IF he read it before Sunday and reported back to us.... and, of course, he did. Haha! So that's going to be happening this week.

ZONE CONFERENCE. We had zone conference this week in Ontario. It was awesome- as always. :) They had 2 recent converts speak to us about their conversion stories, each district acted out funny skits about the "commitment pattern", and there were farewell testimonies from the missionaries that are going home at the end of the transfer. Zone Conferences are always such an inspiring experience that just reboots me for the rest of the transfer.

This is the last week of the transfer! Transfer calls are going to be sent out on February 28th- the same day as L. Tom Perry.
Transfer Calendar (these are the actual dates that we MOVE areas- the transfer CALL is the Saturday before):
April 13
May 25
July 6
August 17 - COMING HOME
Then I fly home the next day. :)

Lecture on Pride. I woke up this morning in a terrible mood- completely mad at the world because I only had a few minutes to get ready and my shower was cold and I had just cleaned the entire apartment by myself again and I was annoyed and yeah. (Man, that happens to me a lot. haha!) But, anyways, I went into my study time with wet hair and a grumpy face... I prayed that I would be able to find something in the scriptures to ease my mood and help myself to feel the spirit. And, of course, the Lord likes to lecture me during those times. I opened up my scriptures and read Jacob 2: 13-17, 20-21...

(Starting at the end of verse 13) ye suppose that ye are better than they. And now, my brethren, do ye suppose that God justifieth you in this thing? Behold, I say unto you, Nay. But he condemneth you, and if ye persist in these things his judgments must speedily come unto you. O that he would show you that he can pierce you, and with one glance of his eye he can smite you to the dust! O that he would rid you from this iniquity and abomination. And, O that ye would listen unto the word of his commands, and let not this pride of your hearts destroy your souls! Think of your brethren like unto yourselves...
(and then verse 20) And now, my brethren, I have spoken unto you concerning pride; and those of you which have afflicted your neighbor, and persecuted him because ye were proud in your hearts, of the things which God hath given you, what say ye of it? Do ye not suppose that such things are abominable unto him who created all flesh? And the one being is as precious in his sight as the other. And all flesh is of the dust; and for the selfsame end hath he created them, that they should keep his commandments and glorify him forever.

One of my BIGGEST weaknesses is pride. I have a hard time accepting other peoples weaknesses and blaming them for my bad attitude. But, after reading those verses, it reminded me that we are all here on Earth for the same purpose: to "keep his commandments and glorify him forever". We're all on the same playing ground... It was just a good slap in the face this morning. "Get with it, Sister Gubler!" And, to quote President Cannon: "Comparison is the root to all unhappiness." And pride tends to show when you start to compare...

The work here in this area is amazing.

In our Zone Conference, there was a Sister the shared the poem "High's and Low's"... Oh my, it was SO GOOD. Mom, could you look it up and send it to me? That would be AWESOME and totally appreciated!

And how's the blog looking? ;)

And WE GOT A NEW CAR!!! Nice and red. Riding in style.

Sister Gubler