Monday, November 24, 2014

November 24, 2014:Thank Goodness for P-Day

This week went by really fasttttt, and then really slowwwww. It was a drastic turn around in the middle of the week. So P-Days are always a blessing, because you know that you can start over again. 

Mariah and Dallas broke the news to us that they're moving back to Spokane no earlier than December 8. NOOOO!!! I hate to see people move just as they're setting a foundation in the gospel. But who knows, maybe this move could be good for them, and hopefully their ward in Spokane will really help their family out. We're going to try and visit them as much as possible until they leave and try and get them spiritually prepared and set.

Angel has been progressing really well. Matthew is gone now- and it's actually been pretty good for their relationship (at least, from my perspective). Before he left, she would always complain about him and, honestly, she was happy for him to leave... ouch. BUT! Now that he's gone, she's noticing all that he did for her and Victoria (the baby) and how much she really does love him. (Cute, right? Anywaysss...) We gave Angel a daily reading and prayer chart. It's made with short scriptures that she could read fast and gives boxes for her to check off when she's completed it. She's doing really well with it! I told her that I'd read it with her every day, and she's been having to get on ME about doing it! hahaha! Yes, I must confess, I DO read my scriptures... but sometimes I forget to read the scriptures that I'm supposed to read WITH HER. Haha! But she's been reading them and then we'll text back and forth about what we read and how we can apply it. It's been awesome!

We went on exchanges this week. (I think this is the 3rd time this transfer? Gosh. They must think we're trouble makers or something. haha) I stayed here in Parma with Sister Clegg, and Sister Miller went to New Plymouth with Sister Thomas. I LOVE EXCHANGES! It's always good when you have a little bit of a change in your day- either a new person to see, a new companion, or a new service project that you've never done before. And it's even BETTER when you can learn something from the companion you have that day. :) I was asked what big lesson I've learned on my mission and what scripture I would use to describe it, and for the longest time I couldn't answer that question! "You stumped me on that one," I told her. But that night I thought of it! Alma 29:13-17. We are all laboring in the same work!

Last Monday, we worked at the local food pantry- named The Sunshine Cupboard. They were giving out food especially for Thanksgiving, so they had an extra big crowd that day. That was awesome to help there! I love doing things like that. I love talking with the random people of the community. :) It was a great way for us to see the people from the community- people that may or may not have slammed the door in my face before hahahaha- and just LOVE THEM TO PIECES!!!

We had a great lesson with Elsie this week about her baptism. We went over the baptismal interview questions with her and she is just... amazing. She knows that the gospel, as a whole, is true. And she knows that since she's gotten the answer that the church is true that every little point of doctrine that we teach her is true. Looking forward to her baptism on December 13. :)

We met an awesome guy while contacting our referrals this week. His name is David. He's been going through a lot of health issues lately- but says that he really wants to hear about the gospel. (There really are people who are just prepared!!) He told us about how his son (who is now 40 years old) grew up with LDS kids, and now all of those LDS kids are successful and have great family lives. So he's seen the example that those LDS kids were to his son- and he wants to know more about what it is that makes their lives so great! But- the only down side- he's told us that as much as he wants to learn, his health problems are making it close to impossible for his brain to function. He says that it's getting worse and worse every day. (This guy was apparently a teacher and a really educated guy... And really high on the social latter.) But he's allowed us to keep visiting him. I just know that miracles will happen with this man.

Penny is doing really great as well. We visited her and just really had a heart to heart about how we all have trials within ourselves and within our families, but that we need to turn to Heavenly Father in prayer. We talked a lot about agency and how, yes, sometimes we want to take it away from people haha! But that we need to just continue to have hope that, one day, things will change.

Zone Conference was this week. Our district performed a musical number together and it turned out pretty good (thank goodness). We talked a lot about Thanksgiving and fasting- but we also talked a lot about becoming fearless. We need to be more like Captain Moroni and like Peter!

Just a few one liner thoughts from this week: 

Strengthen yourself so that you can strengthen others.
One of the most powerful comments that you can receive is when people tell you that they're praying for you.
A good mother teaches her children the importance of the gospel, even if they choose not to embrace it. 

Sister Gubler

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