Monday, November 24, 2014

SNOW! November 17th, 2014

I don't even know where to begin! 

Sister Miller and I were asked to do a musical number at our Thanksgiving zone conference on the 21st. But, I've already done one and Sister Miller's always participated in playing the piano for the conference. PLUS, let's be honest, no one likes to see the same people up there every single time. Soooo, we opened it up to our district! We'll be doing a district musical number. :) Should be good! Everyone was pretty excited for it, and thankful for the opportunity to share their talents. (Some of these missionaries have been hiding their lights under a bushel! haha)

Not to quote 17 Miracles, but... "The snow came- all at once." haha!

It snowed 9 inches over Thursday and Friday. It was crazy. It never stopped coming down. But weather never stops missionaries- at least, not these 2 missionaries! A couple people from the ward would call or text us saying, "Are you seriously driving around in this weather?! Stay home and off the roads!" And we would just respond with, "Weather doesn't stop missionary work! But thank you for your concern!" We need new investigators desperately- we were NOT taking a break because of some snow. Puh-lease. The snow actually worked to our advantage while knocking on doors. People would answer the door and look at us like we were crazy. Haha! One woman actually said, "You must be pretty dedicated if you're walking around in these temperatures!" (It was 5 degrees outside.) To which I responded, "Well, any chance we can get to talk to people about Jesus Christ, we take it. We love Him!" Now, she didn't become a new investigator or anything, but she was really touched by our comments and invitation to learn more about the gospel. 
But this snow is also making me feel like an old person- my body hurts. haha I'm just grateful that I've had a couple Rexburg winters under my belt. That's made everything easier.

We've contacted all but 6 of our 20 referrals this week... Still nothing. But I'm convinced that 1 of those referrals is someone waiting to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ! I'm sure of it!

I got a new camera this week. My old one just wasn't too great- although functional. Let me know if I should send it home. But, if not, I was thinking about sending it to one of the young men, serving in Wisconsin, whose family lives here. They don't have a lot of money, and their missionary doesn't have a camera. And, maybe it's just me, but I think that all missionaries need to be able to have pictures from their mission. I'll let you know what happens there though.

We have Elsie back on a baptismal date- set for December 13. She told us that she's been praying about whether the church is true and if she should get baptized into this church, and she just keeps feeling more and more reassured and calm about it. She said that she knows that it's true! YAY! She set her own baptismal date, so hopefully that will give her some motivation to work on getting ready. She hasn't come to church in about 2 months, so she needs to start doing that. (Terribly frustrating when they don't even have an excuse, they just don't come.) And we need to make sure that her testimony is solid on a few more principles. But she's definitely getting close.

The Lord really does put us in specific situations at specific times. Our schedule one day had just gotten completely turned around and messed up (as it always does), and we ended up knocking on Ribbon's door late in the day. We knew that she wasn't going to have much time- she had to get to work- but we just needed to get some information from her for her records. Well, she opens the door, sees us, and just starts to sob... She tells us about how she needs help. She's about to lose her job, her husband won't be home for 2 hours, she has to leave for work, there's no one to watch the kids, her babysitter cancelled, her family can't come because the roads are too icy, etc etc. I said, "Let me make a phone call," and excused myself, while Sister Miller talked to Ribbon further. It took about 20 minutes, but we found Ribbon a babysitter for her children until her husband would get home. 
Well, long story short, her husband isn't too partial to LDS people... so the babysitter wasn't needed after all. BUT! We were able to show Ribbon that we (the missionaries) and the members of the ward are there to help her at ALL TIMES. Just because she isn't active in the church, doesn't mean that the people don't love her and want to serve her. She was very touched by that. (Hooray! We touched a heart!)

As you'll be able to tell from my pictures, I wore my glasses for most of the week. I think I scratched my eye or something... I don't know. But my contacts hurt SO BAD when I take them out, not putting them in though. So, yeah. I don't know. But I'm wearing glasses until I figure it out or until it heals.

Sister Gubler

It was Sister Gibb's birthday yesterday (Sunday)- she's a missionary in our district, serving in the neighboring ward. So we heart attacked her door! YAY! Spy time! That was super fun. :) 

Yesterday was the Primary Program in our ward. Seriously the cutest thing ever! It's my favorite Sunday. :) 

Sister Gubler

 This is Brad. He's married to a less active member. They decided to make us... I don't even know how to describe it.
They put the picture on the glass and place tin foil around it to make a mirror looking thing. It was nice of them. We did it as a FHE.
 This is Penny- one of our investigators. She is the sweetest lady!

 Weird district picture. Totally describes us. 
(2 of the Elders are gone though... but they're always gone somewhere. haha)

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