Monday, June 2, 2014

I shall press on with an eye of faith!

Man. I'm totally not in the mood to write today. 

HOWEVAAA! I shall press on with an eye of faith!

We were sick this week. So not much happened. 

We spent a night in the mission home! That was pretty exciting... I guess. :) Our bedroom was being painted- it used to be a sad, dark brown and now it's a bright yellow! Yay! Cheery! But the smell was soooo strong (because we only have one little window in our room). So we spent the night/next morning in the mission home. President Cannon made me breakfast: scrambled eggs with pepper jack cheese and nutella toast. It was pretty delish. 

Our district is coming to the rescue! On Saturday, we're doing a district tract in our area. Everyone is going to come in for 2 hours and tract out a part of the ward. We're praying for some success to come out of it. And we're just SUPER happy that our district is willing to come and help us. 

Sooo... since we were sick... we decided to proceed to glue our pages of Song of Solomon together (since they aren't inspired writings). Man. That stuff is weird... Totally doesn't "taste like light". Isn't it interesting how the spirit works to tell you what truth is? 

We helped out at mutual on Wednesday. The Young Women were having a Father/Daughter activity (and, oh boy, it made me miss my Daddy). They had us lead the fathers and daughters in a relay race- I had to pull out all of my memories from what we did in yw's back in the day. I taught them how to play "tree, bridge, rock". Yeah... that would take an uber long time to explain. So, if you don't know, write me and I'll draw you a nice chart explaining the process! haha :) They then had ice cream sundaes and took funny pictures with their Dad's. They let us missionaries take some pictures too- so those will be coming to you shortly. They're in the process of being edited. And they're pretty legit. 

On our way to church Sunday, my companion and I saw 3 little cows hanging out by the street, right next to the fenced field that they were supposed to be in. For those who don't know, people are responsible for whatever happens because of their animals. For example, if they're in the street and someone hits them- it's your fault. And you can get in big trouble. SO- my comp and I decided to go and knock on the door of the peoples house and tell them that their cows are out. But... us being missionaries... they totally didn't answer. Whatever. So I decided to take it upon myself to get the cows back in!!! My comp was supposed to catch this incredible act with my camera, but was apparently too amazed at my skills to do such. That's okay. You'll just have to take my word for it. I walked over to the cows and they started freaking out... Apparently you have to yell at cows to get them to listen? I don't know. So I started yelling and swinging my arms. It's all a blur really... But I got them back underneath the fence and into the field! I was pretty proud of myself. I don't know how I did it.... I thank the Tolman's for teaching me these cow wrangling skills. hahaha

We had dinner with the Bishop this week. His wife invited over a less active family and several other families from the ward that were at the same stage in life. It was awesome! Us missionaries were just kind of there... Which was great! They got to know people from the ward on a personal level- not a church level. And they also made some new friends! And met new babysitters! haha It was a great idea. I loved it.

I really don't have much else to write about.... We had a few unsuccessful tracting experiences. We heard that this families Grandpa had passed away, so we thought we go over there and give them a video with Mormon Messages on families. We didn't preach. We just wanted to give them the video. Yup, they just closed the door.... "Okayyyyy byeeeeee!" (from Frozen) I wanted to say... haha

--Sister Gubler

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