Tuesday, May 6, 2014

"I threw it on the GROUND!!!!"

Name that reference! (Saturday Night Live) haha

Dave wanted a blessing this week for strength to give up his coffee, so we brought some brothers from the ward to come and do that for him. But, before the Brother gave the blessing, he told Dave, "You are about to receive a blessing from Heavenly Father. And when we receive blessings, we need to do our part in making these things happen. So, Dave, when we give you this blessing, you need to promise to hand over ALL of your coffee and tea to the Sister Missionaries before they leave. Can you do that?" Of course he could do that. So we took it! Oh my goodness... It was epic. But oh so sad. Dave was tearing up. (I've never met a person with such an emotional attachment to coffee.) But we visited him the next day and he was totally fine! (Probably because we took pity on him and left him with 1 cold cup of coffee... I'm really bad at playing bad cop.) But we're glad that he let us do that. It will be better for him. He's SUPER close to making it to his goal of the temple. He was just letting a little thing like coffee get in his way. 

We saw Grandpa Welker again this week (as always). But this week he let us pull weeds for him! Apparently he was just kidding around, but we spent the next 2 days pulling weeds in his yard in the 90 degree heat! Us missionaries don't joke around! Haha! He is a wonderful 86 year old man. He always tells us stories about the good 'ole days and teaches us life lessons. He cries every time we go over there. His children are all grown and have families of their own... and they aren't active in the gospel. He tells us about the heartache that he's been feeling ever since they went less active- most of them happened to be sent home from their missions. I shared with him the story of Alma talking to his son Coriaton. Corianton had gone on a mission and had gotten into some... bad situations... and had to come home. And Alma is sitting here, lecturing him about the Atonement, repentance, and faith in Jesus Christ for 4 CHAPTERS. A long time. And, at the end of that lecture, it never really shares if Coriaton really does repent or not. It explains that he goes back out with his brothers (so maybe we can assume that he did), and then doesn't mention him until about 20 chapters later when it says that he went away to a different land on a boat. ANYWAYS. Moral of the story! Most of the time, in the scriptures, it takes just 1 or 2 verses to convince people to repent. But Corianton took 4 CHAPTERS (if that!). Sometimes, after lecturing our children for a couple of days, they understand that they were wrong and repent... but, most of the time, children are like Corianton, and take 4 YEARS or 40 YEARS to change (if that!) Sometimes, like Corianton, we don't even hear about their repentance story... and they just... leave. But THANK GOODNESS for the healing power of the Atonement, and the comfort that we receive from knowing that Heavenly Father gives us EVERY chance to repent and change, even after we leave this mortal existence. Hopefully that made sense.... But it helped me.

                                              We made paper boats and sent them in the water!!!

Kay. Great story actually. My comps and I were driving down the road when we saw a woman mowing her lawn outside. I got the distinct impression that we needed to go ask her if she wanted help with her yard. SO, I turned the car around and got out to talk to her. She looked at the name tags, was a little reluctant at first, but I explained to her that this(service) is what we do and we're looking for people to help today. To that she seemed more willing and agreed to let us help her. We spent 4 HOURS weeding her yard and garden. IT. WAS. AWESOME. At some points, I would leave my companions working, and go sit with Kay (she's about in her 60's/70's) and ask her about her life. (You know me, I'm such a chatter box.) But she opened up to me about her ex-husband and how he was a less active member of the church and how her in-laws were members. She asked why we call each other "Sister". She asked about tea and coffee- after offering us some iced tea. She LOVES the LDS church- but isn't a church goer. She also expressed how she feels that women are second class citizens in our church. Haha! I laughed at that comment and said, "Oh Kay, you are so mistaken! I am NOT a second class citizen! If anything, the woman are the ones who run the show. Let's be honest here!" And she laughed, and I laughed, and we were just laughing about men and how clueless they are. (Sorry to the men who are reading this! haha) But Kay is such an awesome person! She accepted us to come back and talk more about the gospel. :) We'll be going back over there later this week! :)

Kassi was at church again this Fast Sunday. SHE. IS. FANTASTIC. Let me tell you. We went and talked to her after the meeting, and she expressed to us that she didn't know if she was "allowed" to go up there (because she hasn't been baptized). But she told us that she had felt this impression that she needed to go up there and share her testimony! But she didn't understand if it was God telling her to do it, or if it was just her. So she prayed that God would give her a sign or help her understand what she was feeling. And RIGHT AFTER THAT- Sister Happy got up to bear her testimony. And then I went up to bear my testimony. And she sat there going, "Well. This is my sign!" (But she didn't get up because she didn't know if she was allowed to.) But Kassi is such a HUGE example to me! How many times have I received a prompting, but didn't know if it was from God or myself, so I just ignored it?! PROBABLY TOO MANY TIMES. Kassi didn't do that! She was confused. So she prayed for further clarification- right then and there. I LOVE that. Kassi is such a prepared daughter of God. She is wonderful!

                                         The MTC zone reunited at Sisters Conference on Tuesday!

This week, during district meeting, we talked about being a 100% missionary and what it really means. It's been on my mind a lot lately. In order to be a 100% missionary, you have to completely dedicate your heart, might, mind, and strength to the Lord and his work. And I know that I haven't been doing that to the 100% goal. I sat there during personal study one day just asking myself, "How can I be a 100% missionary when it feels like, to do that, I need to pull everyone else up with me?" It's hard to be 100% when you're in a companionship- because then your companions need to be (or at least try to be) 100% as well. But the thought (or maybe it was inspiration...) that kept coming to my mind was "lead by example". That's all that we can really do in this life- whether it be for missionary companions or for friends at school or in our own homes. Heavenly Father knows that we are trying our very hardest, and that's all that he expects of us.

While looking for ways that I can improve and be an example, I started reading in Luke 22. This is something that I've read a millions times, it seems. But as I read over that heavily marked chapter, I read verses 42-44 again. Jesus Christ knew his mission on Earth. He came to accomplish that mission. But there was a time in his life when, even though he was doing his very best to be 100%, he felt that he couldn't make it. And so he says, "Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done." He wanted, so badly, to do his very best... So, he prayed. And in verse 43-44, "And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him. And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground." Those scriptures hit me really hard that day... Even Jesus Christ, who was perfect, needed strengthening during his time of greatest trial and his greatest desire to do his mission. So how much more do we, being imperfect, need to turn to Heavenly Father for added strength and continue to pray to him? 

Outside of the kitchen window of our apartment is a flower bush. When you sit on the couch and look out the window, you can notice that some of the flower branches gather together and form the image of an arrow pointing upward. I later found out that those flowers are called "bleeding hearts". The "bleeding heart" bush is a great reminder to me- when my heart is burdened and it begins to "bleed", I need to look upward. I need to pray to Heavenly Father. When I start to feel my heart burdening, I'll sit on the couch and look at the "bleeding heart" bush pointing me in the way that I should turn- UPWARD.

--Sister Gubler

Today is actually my 3 month mark!!! Yay! 
Can you believe it's been 3 months?!

Caroline sent me a mug! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! :)

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