Monday, August 25, 2014

Miracles DO happen!

I'm sorry to hear about the news from home. :( Send my love to their family during this time. Isn't it so great that we know the plan of salvation? It brings me so much comfort to know that we will be with our families for eternity! 

This was a slow week... but full of miracles. We set 4 baptismal dates this week AND found a new investigator! 

Last P-Day, I literally slept alllllll dayyyyy. Then I woke up to head off to proselyte from 6 to 9 pm... And then I came home and slept all through the night! Can you tell I'm exhausted?! Soooo tired. All the time. But... there's no break for a missionary! Keep working! Keep working!

The onion harvesting is in the process, so the air in Parma always smells of onions and makes my eyes start to water. ;) And onions are covering the roads because they fall off of the trucks. People eat onions like apples around here... so the other day, Sister Pritchard and I decided to pick one up off of the road and give it a try.... It was nasty. We're hoping that we can go out and have a "day on the farm" with someone from the ward sometime soon. We want to really experience the life of the every day farmer. haha :)

We met with Anne this week- she says that she wants us to come over, but every time we try and talk about the gospel the conversation always turns for the worst. So, this time we just went over there to visit. We ended up quilting with her for... 2 hours. It was a long time. haha! But she's helping us make book covers for our scriptures. And she is so excited about it! So, I guess now is my time to learn how to sew. :) 

Our bestie, Amanda, decided that she was going to do some facebook challenge... and enlisted our help. (Picture to follow.) Of course, we agreed, because I LOVE doing random things like that. haha! So we poured ice cold water over her head... and I got a little wet. haha. It was fun :) She says that it's OUR turn to do it today... I'll have to think some more about that one. ;) 

One of my favorite activities to do on my mission is to bake cookies, and then take them to people's houses. It's the best! Who can turn down a plate of delicious cookies?! Sister Pritchard and I always write a scripture on a sticky note and put in on top as well. Gotta have some spiritual uplifting! :) I always recommend that members give it a try with their neighbors. :)

Penny is our new investigator. She actually asked one of our ward missionaries if she could meet with us! (Member missionary work at it's finest!!!) We've set up weekly appointments with her. She was actually a member at one point... but... ya know, stuff happened. But she wants to come back! And she is amazing. We're hoping to visit with her again on Thursday :) 

We attended the Meridian Temple groundbreaking this weekend! Well... the broadcast of it. :) Elder Kent F. Richards told us to pick up a small stone and keep it as a reminder of our covenants, and also admonished the community to start doing their family history! He challenged everyone to get family names ready so that the Meridian temple can run on ONLY family names! (That's a BIG challenge! But the Boise temple is almost to that point.) Elder David A. Bednar also came and spoke- he talked about how we need to be grateful even when times are "easy". He joked about how some of us will drive by the temple site every day, take pictures of the progress, make a scrapbook of all of the news articles, show it to all of our friends and family for generations to come... and then we won't ever attend the temple. We will become preoccupied with the "oh, I can go tomorrow"'s and the "when I'm done with this"'s. He said that when times are "easy", THAT is when we will find if we are truly grateful. I challenge everyone to recommit themselves to attend the temple as often as they possibly can!
"The decision to build a temple is not based on the numbers, but is based on the HEARTS of the people." -David A. Bednar

Rocky, Richard, and Elsie all committed to prepare for baptism for September 21!!! We have only had 2 lessons with them... and we've already taught them about The Restoration, The Plan of Salvation, The Gospel of Jesus Christ, Tithing/Fast Offerings, Modesty, Word of Wisdom, the Priesthood, Studying Scriptures, Prayer, Obedience, 10 Commandments, Eternal Marriage, ANDDDDD Temples and Family History Work!!! They are SO prepared for the gospel! They ask a million questions (Which I LOVE!) and they study the scriptures together and pray about everything that we teach them! Elsie told us that she's been praying about it, and that she knows that it's true. She even told us that, several years ago, she received an impression that she needed to quit drinking coffee and smoking, but didn't know why. AND, at about that same time, she was feeling like she needed to get baptized, but didn't know what church to get baptized in. She said that she knows that this is the true church that she needs to be baptized. WHAT?! It was amazing! And after we taught them all how to pray, Richard offered the most wonderful prayer I have ever heard. *tears!* They're even starting to use "LDS lingo" in their conversations with us. I'm just so excited for them. :D

So many miracles are happening. So many people are ready for the gospel! Go out and invite them!!!

Sister Gubler

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